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Updated: 2023-12-01

Sawadee kha, Sawadee khrap

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Home - Journeys - Thailand 2022 - Saturday, March 5, 2022

We slept reasonably well with the family in Lat Krabang.

It has been pretty hot in Bangkok in recent days, and it promises to get very warm again today. Pia is particularly affected by that.

We are planning to finally go to traditional Thai massage today during this trip.
Originally we would use the Test & Go scheme, one night in a hotel and a PCR test, and no refund on canceling. And we had to cancel that hotel because the Test & Go scheme was abolished. Pia wants to arrange in the hotel that we can still have a PCR test performed. We need that test to be allowed to enter the plane to the Netherlands.
We drive to that hotel by car, and Pia explains the situation. It turns out not to be a problem. We can have the tests taken and a few hours later come to collect the result. We make an appointment.
Then we continue to the massage parlor where we have been before and with which we have good experiences. It is three o'clock when we arrive there. And it's busy, we have to wait two hours. We don't feel like it, then we'll be ready at the earliest at seven o'clock.
On the Technical University in Lat Krabang is an exhibition that we want to see. Along the way is a large market. We go to the market, buy something to eat and drive home and not to the exhibition, it is very hot.
The food is tasty, luckily. We have experienced differently with food in markets.

The children of Moue and Kaeng are very annoying today. They are mainly bullying each other.

Written on: 2022-03-06


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This is not a travel guide, nor is it advice to visit a place or not. There are other sites for that.
Our opinion about places where we have eaten, drunk or slept is not intended as a (positive or negative) assessment, there are other sites for that.
It is our view of the situation at a certain moment and that view is influenced by our mood, the weather and many other factors.